Laura Vale and Rich Ronat
The Dynamic Duo—Laura Vale and Rich Ronat, indie filmmakers and founders of Good Rebel Pictures, talk openly about working and living/loving together; how their friendship started in an acting class, and why their relationship rituals work, including their daily :20 second hug.

Laura Vale and Rich Ronat
Laura Vale and Rich Ronat are indie filmmakers who recently founded their own film production company (Good Rebel Pictures). Enjoying great success with their new thriller, “Culprit,” which debuted at the “Dances with Films” film festival end of June in Hollywood, the pair are enthusiastically on the go with this new film and have other productions in the works. Rich is a seasoned screenwriter known for films such as “Grand Isle” (starring Nicolas Cage and Kelsey Grammar) and “American Sicarrio” (starring Danny Trejo) and also “Crescent Hawk” starring Alec Baldwin and Terrence Howard). Laura enjoys a very energetic acting career, having appeared in “Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil,” “Charmed,” “Desperate Housewives,” and “Seventh Heaven.” Laura stars in “Culprit” alongside Jamie Donovan. She is also a practicing therapist. On the HourGLASS, the happy couple dish on how they met in an acting class; how they first were just friends; and how that relationship blossomed into a romantic one, followed by a business partnership. The two talk about how their business partnership and love relationship intertwine, how they handle conflict, how they collaborate, and they also explain their daily :20-second hug ritual. They also comment on how to keep the important things in perspective. The interview is lively and high-spirited–a must-watch for those who may be looking forward to finding a partner with whom they can enjoy both a healthy working and love relationship, and tips on how it can thrive.