Shirin Peykar
Shirin Peykar, a practicing psychologist at Sherman Oaks Therapy and Wellness, talks about the difficulty in recognizing a person’s narcissism until well after one is in the relationship. She also talks about why a person is attracted to a narcissist and then Glass queries her as to why it is so hard to cut off a relationship with a one . Peykar runs it all down. Peykar talks about the cycles of a narcissist, their lack of “apology,” unstable changes, and the victim subjugating his/her needs to accommodate the narcissist. Glass covers a lot of ground in this unique interview addressing a problem that the two agree is pervasive in a good many relationships these days.

Shirin Peykar, M.A. LMFT
Shirin Peykar, M.A. LMFT is a graduate of University of Southern California. She has been practicing psychotherapy for over 10 years. Shirin is the owner and clinical director of Sherman Oaks Therapy & Wellness, a group private practice and wellness center based in Los Angeles, California. Shirin has specialized training in assessing and treating Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and Narcissistic Abuse in individuals and couples. In her practice, Shirin works with individuals and couples in high-conflict relationships in their family of origin, romantic relationships, and/or professional relationships. Shirin is a Certified Clinical Trauma Professional and an ISST Standard Certified Individual Schema Therapist licensed in California, Texas, and Florida.